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作者 論文篇名 期刊名稱 卷期
何旭華 designing an efficient electroencephalography system using database with embedded images management approach computers in biology and medicine 2014(44),27-36
林易霆 Sixteen years post radiotherapy nasophargngeal carcinomna eliuted multii-dysfuction along PTX and chronic kidndey disease with microcytic anemia  BMC urology  2014, 14(1), 19
劉克森 the clinical management of cesarean section-acquired Mycobacterium absecessus surgical site inections  J Infect Dev Ctries 2014:8(2):184-192
江榮人 prediciting weaning and extubation outcomes in long-term mechanically ventilated patients using the modified burns wean assessment program scores  respirology  2014(19),576-582


作者 論文篇名 期刊名稱 卷期
蘇崑山 口服抗凝血劑病患術前處置 秀傳醫學雜誌 第十卷第三、四期
張美蓉 Tw-DRGs潛在可預防併發症次診斷醫療費用之病例對照研究 若瑟醫護雜誌 第七卷第一期
張世杰 共同照護介入對提升第二型糖尿病控制不良者自我照顧能力之成效 若瑟醫護雜誌 第七卷第一期
王慧瑜 民眾用藥行為調查分析 藥學雜誌 第二十九卷第三期
宋維村 Changes in clinical presentation of children with autistic  disorder ,at an autism clinic in Taiwan from 1987 to 1995 resarch in autism spectrum disorders  7(2013) 1501-1508
張麗惠 降低透析後穿刺部位滲血率之改善方案 護理學會專案報告  
蕭美娟 降低透析管路凝固率 護理學會專案報告  
黃柏銘 以心率變異性探討注意力不全過動兒體質 中醫藥研究論叢  


作者 論文篇名 期刊名稱 卷期
宋維村 認同重要性、認同確定性及認同落差概念之生態效度;青少年自我認同個別介入方案之療效評估 中華心理衛生學刊 VOL 24 No 4
蔡孟宏 The Preventive of Diseases for Elderly People-An Analysis of Health Examination Data of Adults Advanced Material Research  VOL 433-440
宋維村 Development of T-STAT for early autism screening  Joural of autism and development disorders  
宋維村 Toddler autism screening questionnaire:Development and potential clinical validity autism vol 16(4)
林羏蓁 協助一位腦中風病人脫鼻胃管及氣切管之居家護理經驗 若瑟醫護雜誌 第六卷第一期


作者 論文篇名 期刊名稱 卷期
魏敏雄 Effects of provider patient volume and comorbidity on clinical and economic outcomes for total knee arthroplasty   The journal arthroplasty  V25 No6
吳秋玫 治療晚期非小細胞肺癌的表皮生長因子受體-酪胺酸激酶抑制劑 藥學雜誌 VOL26 NO6
宋維村 identification and molecurlar characterization of tow novel chromosomal edletions association with autism clinical gentics VOL78
劉克森 Antimicrobial resistance of bacterial ilosates from respiratory care wards in Taiwan:a horizontal surveillances study comparision of the characteristics of nosomcomial infection and antimicrobial-resisitant baceria in adult intensive care units and two respiratory care failities for mechanically vetilated patient at a teriary care centre in taiwan international journla of anitimcrobial agents  37
黃麗霞 惡性腸阻塞的緩和醫療 安寧療護雜誌 V15 No2
宋維村 The loss of asymmetry and reduced interhemispheric conectivity in adolescents with autism:A study using diffusion spectrum imaging tractography Psychiatry Research:Neuroimaging 192
劉克森 Assessment of hypermucoviscosity as a virulence factor for experiment Klebsiella pneumoniae infections:comparative virulencr analysis with hypermucoviscosity-negative strain Microbiology 11:50
江榮人 Increased prevalence of primary drug-resistant pulmonary tuberculsosis in immunocompromised patients Respirology 16
劉家玉 照顧一位舌癌病患之安寧療護經驗 若瑟醫護雜誌 VOL5 No1
李美芳 照顧一位口腔癌末期病人之護理經驗 若瑟醫護雜誌 VOL5 No1
蔡瑞珍 頭部外傷誘發瀰漫性血管內凝血-病例報告 若瑟醫護雜誌 VOL5 No1
蔡瓊儀 Constructing area-level incicators of successful ageing in Taiwan  Health and social care in community 18(1)
周鴻烈 A study on patient safety and accident prevention measures with modern information technology Communications in computer and information science VOL 218
周鴻烈 Discovering knowledge of hemodialysis (HD)quality using granularity-based rough and Geriatrics  Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics VOL54 、Issuel
曾美容 5-Fluorouracil 誘發蛇紋狀色素沉著症-案例報告 台灣臨床藥學雜誌 VOL 19 NO3
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